To be admitted:
Be ready to invest yourself fully in your studies.
Successful completion of primary school.
Fulfill the programs admission criteria:
World and Culture
Be interested in culture.
Have the desire to be actively involved in projects.
Love teamwork.
Meet the Seminary admission requirements.
Passion Sports
Be interested in practicing various sports activities.
Desire to invest in a training and physical conditioning process.
Show interest in outdoor activities.
Not have any physical incapacity with regard to the proposed activities.
Meet the Seminary admission requirements.

Year after year, the Séminaire holds its open doors on the last Sunday of September and the first Sunday of October. The purpose of the event is to inform future students and their parents about the educational project and programs of the Séminaire. A guided tour and a few workshops allow everyone to discover our establishement, meet our staff and interact with students currently attending the SSC.

In August, the first day of school is exclusively reserved for students in the 1st year of secondary school. A simple and effective way to facilitate the transition from elementary to high school.